Welcome to The God Life.
Hi, I’m Princess-Zoë, though most simply call me Princess. In 2016, after the loss of my brother, I turned away from God, convinced that I no longer needed or desired His presence. Grief and anger led me to wander aimlessly, seeking fulfillment in places that ultimately left me empty.
By 2019, God, in His infinite grace, gently drew me back to Him, and my spiritual journey since has been nothing short of life-changing. As I’ve pressed deeper into His Word and sought the fullness of His will, I’ve been transformed in ways I never imagined. This journey inspired me to start The God Life - a space to document my walk with Christ and share the lessons He’s been teaching me.
But as this blog has grown, so has my vision for it. While my faith remains the foundation, I’ve decided to expand The God Life to include other aspects of my life that God has been shaping:
Personal Development: Exploring how we can become the best versions of ourselves, aligned with God’s purpose.
Mum Life: Sharing the joys, challenges, and faith-filled lessons of motherhood.
Solo Travel: Reflecting on how traveling alone has deepened my faith, independence, and self-discovery.
DV and SA Awareness: Raising awareness, offering resources, and sharing hope for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
I believe you’re here for a reason - nothing is by chance. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, connection, or transformation, I pray that The God Life will bless you and inspire you to draw closer to God’s purpose for your life.
“Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.” – John 14:10
With love and faith,
P ♡